Monday, September 15, 2008

A new week

So I am up getting ready to take Randy to the airport, and thought I would quickly blog. Rachel's seminary has 2 classes available, one earlier and one later - well, the later class had 4 in it, and the earlier had 23 in it, so they requested that some come to the later class. Anyway, she didn't want to do it, "because the bus leaves earlier than the class lets out". But then they rescheduled the class so she could still catch the bus, and she still initially didn't want to go to the later class, until I told her that both the boys she had been carpooling with will be attending the later class. Then she was okay with it - read into that whatever you want. I think either she doesn't want to put anybody out as far as the carpool goes, or she likes one (or heck, both!) of the boys.

Hope everyone has a great week!


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