Saturday, July 17, 2010


And anybody else on a bike.

Today I got to make a split-second decision to lay my bike down (and me in the process) as opposed to being hit by a lady on a cell phone who wasn't paying attention to the bike lane, or really, traffic at all. My legs are dirty and a few small scratches, as I was going uphill and quite slowly. Certainly it could have been much, much worse. I am fine, the bike is fine (the seat has a little gouge in it), and the lady I suspect will be much more careful in the future, as she was pretty shaken up.

I (and most cyclists that I know) am watching for you when you are driving every minute that I am on my bike, but there is really only so much I can do to avoid you. PLEASE watch for me. If you are talking on your cell phone, PLEASE know that you will HAVE to be even MORE on alert and noticing where I am.

Overall still a great ride, and I am getting faster and more confident. I normally would have turned around and gone home after an incident like this, but had about a mile to go up the hill, so did that and THEN turned around and went home. I'm not afraid of being hit, I just really REALLY don't WANT to get hit.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

let's try it again

Tried a couple of times to blog, but nothing saved - let's try it again.

Today I rode just over 11 miles. It wasn't too bad considering. My legs are tired and I am still a touch overweight to manage the uphills effectively, but as time goes on I know that will pass.

I have been manipulating the planned route for my ride, too - it's going to go through Salt Lake instead of through New Mexico & the tip of Texas. That way I can ride past Primary Children's Hospital and on through the canyon. It added a day of riding, but I think seeing people I know partway through will be a good shot in the arm for when I ride. I had a mini-fantasy this morning while riding that there was somebody about every half mile cheering me on & from about Lehi to the hospital, and that was fun. Not that I expect or anticipate it, but it would sure be a trip!

Anyway, the riding is getting more comfortable as I spend more time on the bike. I plan to get up earlier so I can be out riding before it gets hot in the future weeks & months. I can go much further if I'm not overheated.