Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated

Hello. Apparently I am not posting what I am DOING enough. Perhaps that is because I am busy DOING it. Perhaps not.

Anyway, I am making a quilt for a friend whose house burned down, I tied a quilt for my new nephew, I am making another table quilt (read table cloth that is quilted) for my Sister in Law, I am trying to help my kids get into better homework habits, I am cleaning my house, I am doing laundry, I am trying to sell our Go-Karts, I am getting organized, I am dropping a huge hint somewhere in this blog, and am wondering if anyone will figure it out before I get there, I am flying to Salt Lake City, I am flying home. I had a chicken quesadilla for dinner last night. It was from the grocer's freezer, and I put Pace Salsa on it for some extra kick. (that last part was for Janette.) The kids had corn dogs.

That's my plan for the next two days. Sometimes they change, sometimes they don't. When they do, I certainly don't take the time to update the blog, and when they don't, it hardly seems worth your (or my) time to say the same thing day after day, and the little changes like we had macaroni and cheese or spaghetti hardly seem interesting. I will post the more interesting things when I am able and when the information is either interesting or useful. But I don't plan to update daily. Suffice it to say that if you don't read that I am doing something out of the ordinary, I am probably not doing something out of the ordinary, and you can assume that I am healthy, happy, and probably reading Mark Twain in the hammock.

Love you all!


1 comment:

dan said...

fine, be that way! (I mean too busy to blog :) )

I think your goal should be to post an update and a pic of something (even if it is macaroni and cheese) every three days or so.) maybe that will be my strategy.

see you in SLC. If you need a ride or something, I have no idea when we'll be getting there, but Clay's phone # is 303.545.0948