Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hello All!

Today is the jog-a-thon at d'Artagnan's school, and I am going to go volunteer to count the laps. (I put a tally mark on each kid's paper that they wear while they jog.) I suspect I caught Ethan's cold, because my throat started to hurt Saturday night, and I am feeling not too fabulous this morning, but they called last week to see if I would do this, so I am obligated. Hopefully DayQuil will work.

I spoke with the realtor yesterday and she is setting up a go-see on the house on Saturday. Randy "left" this morning on our experiment, and slept in the guest room last night to try and avoid the cold, so we got a jump start on that. He said he slept great, so that is good. It was hard for me to gauge how I slept since I wasn't feeling well and had a fever, so that is probably what disturbed my sleep more than anything.

We watched "Quigley Down Under" as a family yesterday after conference. It was amusing. I remember thinking Tom Selleck was quite the hot man back then, and he really isn't so much the hot man as he is charismatic and has an engaging smile. He is kind of humorous. Anyway, it was fun to watch something from "way back" and have the kids think that it was kind of boring as to action. It just has one story line clear through, and they are a bit used to a number of action scenes that go from one to another to another in relatively rapid succession. It was definitely slower than we are used to. I am thinking next should be the Apple Dumpling Gang and show them what a REALLY slow cowboy movie is.

Anyway, gotta go get the DayQuil so I can get it in my system before I have to be there. Have a great day!


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